Copyright 2012-2024
Built with Indexhibit

What happens to the geographical borders when the land itself moves (2016-2017)

The project investigates current mass migration by focusing on the role of water and it’s image which has been distributed and given language that focuses on the "other". The world is witnessing some of the largest refugee flows since the Second World War. Meanwhile, water crises are highlighted as one of the most pressing global challenges. In this context, migration and refugee flows are increasingly explained in terms of water scarcity perpetuated by climate change. For example, the drought of 2007-2010 in Syria as one of the main causes of the ongoing uprising and subsequent civil war, and the Mediterranean sea becoming a subsequent mode of passage for the people who had to flee.

The production of the work involved scanning 485 news articles that wrote about this subject. I found the repetitive words that were used in these articles focus on the "other". These words are whispered during the soundtrack of the video. The projects uses plexiglas sculptures (a Plastic bottle, a mobile phone, an Arabic letter) and vacuum formed prints which are also found from the graphs and images were used in the articles I scanned. The project reveals the ecological and political aspects of water